First hello

This is a first hello from Mü, your teacher for the above lecture and should inform you about some particularities of it. One is that the services related to it (downloads, licenses, software, slides, tests and comments) are not on official university websites but on my own (this) student website. To avoid abuse, the site requires registration. Please register with your ..@stud.unibas mail address as soon as possible – here and choose under ‚Vorlesung‘ ‚Master-AnAppDrugDisc‘. You may choose a different password than for the unibas account, and please use a complex one. 

The lecture is a continuation of Analytik VI in the last term of the Basel analytics curriculum. I proposed it because in the normal frontal lectures there is not enough time for exercises and real world problems, and it is motivating to see how a small number of you books it every year (a large number could not be managed..). It is not a good idea to attend it before Analytik VI to frontload credits. The first lesson is dedicated to the repetition of the most important aspects of Analytik VI, but the further lessons will then assume that the basis of Analytik VI is present. I put the slides of Analytik VI under ‘background material’ in the downloads section. If you have time, have a look at it because the first lesson will be a repetition of these topics. Also useful would be a look to slides on spectroscopy and available chromatography couplings or ‘hyphenations’ (17-28)

The results you have obtained in the exercises have to be entered into ‚quizzes‘ on the lecture website. The points you gather and the attendance of the lecture will guide my decision to grant the credit. You will be notified if you missed out too many lectures or have insufficient scores. 

I look forward to meeting you

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