Welcome to the companion website of the analytical lectures of Stephan “Mü” Müller at the School of Pharmacy of the University of Basel. It provides access to exercises, downloads, information blog and the e-assessment. Click on the hats to reach the respective page and register with your [stud.]unibas- mail address if you will attend the lessons. 

‘Auditors’ which don’t have a .unibas or .stud.unibas address please use your private mail address to register. 

Analytical chemistry III, Microanalysis (german)

VVZ 41210-01 - Analytical chemistry III; (structure elucidation), only the part about elemental micro-analysis. Part of Oliver Schwardt's lecture in the autumn term. This lecture is held in german.

No registration needed

Analytical chemistry VI, Methods and Applications in Drug Discovery (german)

VV# 46378, Analytische Chemie VI - This lecture builds upon the earlier analytical lectures I-V and should illustrate how and where technologies are applied in pharma research. This lecture is held in german and takes place in the summer terms.

Analytical Applications in Drug Discovery (english)

VV# 50310, Analytical Applications in Drug Discovery - More interactive, advanced course on analytical applications. This lecture is held in english, and will take place in the first half of the spring term.
Click on the hat to go to the lecture page

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10 registered students